Lisa’s silver lining

Like the rest of you, I had no idea this would last as long as it has! Though I’ve taken bouts of quarantine quite seriously, I am still working and found a few silver linings that helped me get through the monotonous time confined at home. First of all, I’ve been impressed with how well my daughter has handled this year and have really valued our time at home together. She keeps me motivated to dream even bigger to create a legacy for our family. This leads me to my next silver lining, my Michigan lake house investment! It’s been on the vision board a long time, and because I was able to save more than planned by staying in this year, I closed in time to AirBnb the property for a few weeks over the warm months. Lastly, the pandemic reminded me to take care of my health, so I joined the Peloton enthusiasts to see what the hype was about. I’m totally hooked! It helps me pass time at home and keeps me in shape. I can’t recommend it enough – find me @BlumeGroup on Instagram.
Sera’s silver lining
I started the year thinking I would be too busy to get a dog and would wait until I had a place with a yard to rescue one. Then came the lockdown in March! I had been following One Tail at a Time pet rescue on social media and made the decision to foster for a couple of months. I got a headshot of a dog with no idea its size or age, but when I picked her up, I fell in love! I quickly knew I had to keep Bailey and decided her adoption fee would be a birthday gift to myself. The only time Bailey and I spent apart was during August. I was able to assist in a dive research trip to the Bahamas for a few weeks! Had the pandemic not delayed scientists’ previous trips, I may not have had this opportunity to join them. It’s absolutely a silver lining for me! Lastly, I think being forced to become more technologically savvy (zoom, anyone?) has benefited my clients and personally made me more efficient. Being pushed out of our comfort zones can have positive lasting effects!